Monday, 22 November 2010

PASIC, Indianapolis Metropolis, and some more NYC

Next stop on the map was Indianapolis :-)

I stayed in All Nations B&B, which was nice

Thank You All Nations :-D

What can I say about PASIC*
Talk about percussionists heaven. I mean, what a one in a lifetime experience., three full days of talking percussion shop. I managed to bus some weird and wonderful instruments thank one could only buy at a percussion convention. Thank you so much PAS and PASIC!

 *Percussive Arts Society International Convention

Starbucks drive thru.... 
'WHAT?' you say Europeans?

I mean seriously, this is SUCH  a good idea! I’m already feeling the withdrawal symptoms of the extended drinks menu. Favourites were Cinnamon Dolce Latte, Pumpkin Spice Latte, Caramel Brulee Latte...the list goes on... Seriously delish :-)

So, after all of the goings on I returned to NY for some more adventures.

Notably and randomly, whilst stocking myself up for my expedition back to Germany in DUANEreade ( pharmacy ala boots that sell anything and everything) GUESS who cruses up right next to me 
(only about 1 person away!)

La Toya Jackson
done up to the nines, none less... (!)

No paps, no raving crowed, just her and her 2 assistants!
Of course, first thing I thought-
"Gosh, im standing in a store in NY next to La Toya Jackson- NOBODY will believe me"
....right, because you'all(yall) wouldn’t we ye? Ye mighty pack of doubting Tomas’s. Well, lookies what I got....

:-) Enjoy :-)

I feel bad, I should at least link her website….

Check it out, buy her, um, music (?) and stuff...

Laters... :-)

ruairi :-)

Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. Wow! LJ looking great. I'll have to check out her site. Great pics.

  2. You and Latoya...cute! Too bad it wasn't Michael. Now that would have shot your blog your numbers up ehh?

  3. Wow - you really packed a huge amount into your trip! Percussion heaven, coffee heaven and LaToya!!!

  4. There's a whole convention dedicated to percussion?! Cool!

    Starbucks is the greatest place ever! Especially the drive-thru ones! There's one near me that I visit on the days I have early classes (read: 11am). lol Did you get a chance for the buy-one-get-one holiday drinks? I have to agree about the caramel brulee lattes--yum! Same for the peppermint mochas.

  5. Sounds like you had a great time while you were here! I see that you were in Chinatown in NYC (W grew up there) and the drive-thru...actually have a Starbucks w/a drive-thru right across the street.

    Cool convention, too!
