Saturday, 6 November 2010

München in Munich (!)

Last weekend was spent in the great company of my beloved elders in Munich :-D

 Fantastic time was had by one and all- and eating a plenty... even if the DK guide book tried to sabotage the weekend excursions (!)

Lake Starnberg

Pudding ( nachtish)

see how the dk book sabotaged this photo ???!!!!

Strudel Strudel STRUDEL !

As seen in a kids toy

And also to be seen was the busking marimba player (!!)


In fact I would go as far as to say that I ate a whole pig last weekend, that's how much "swine" I consumed. That REALLY IS something to be proud of :-) 

I also ate apple strudel ( and just strudel in general) on average twice a day, and no bakery was past without us testing the quality of its produce 

...all for cultural/socio economic/ecumenical reasons of course...

Next stop Frankfort-Dublin-NYC-Indianapolis-NYC :-D

ruairi :-)
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  1. Book sabotage aside, all that pudding and strudel-y business looks seriously yummy. Do my eyes deceive me, or did one of them contain berries of some sort?! Too much, I tell you, too much!

  2. A weekend of swine and strudel - can't be bad!!

    Enjoy Dublin, NYC and Indianapolis - you lucky, lucky thing!!!!

  3. Lovely Gorgeous pictures as USUAL! This post makes me very hungry...enjoy all of your traveling and keep taking pictures so I can travel vicariously through you!
